Uncover the unconscious programming affecting your decisions so you can purposefully rewire it for more happiness, ease, and success.
Learn the art and practice of intention setting to begin creating your future and putting foundations under your lifelong dreams.
Understand the mechanics of your human operating system so that you can choose the beliefs, mindsets, and patterns that allow you to create a life you’re in love with.
You’ve heard that your thoughts create your reality, and that you attract the things you focus on most.
And yet you’re still feeling stuck reliving the same patterns over and over again, wondering what has to change.
What Is The Re-Patterning Project?
From the moment we’re born – and arguably even before that – our human operating systems learn the ways of being that help us best adapt to our environments. We test for what seems to work, and then we repeat those behaviors until they become a pattern – the same way a path in the forest is made by walking it over and over again.

While it’s completely understandable why we might create certain patterns as coping mechanisms for times in our lives when we need to protect ourselves, not all of these habits stored in our muscle memory and neural wiring will be in support of our greatest happiness. In order to release them, we can invite ourselves to identify where they first formed, see them for what they are, release them with love and self-compassion, and then commit to new habits and ways of being that best support us in our present expression.

Our brains and bodies are like computers, and our beliefs and patterns are like apps that we download. Some of them have been running in the background since our childhoods, taking up bandwidth even though we no longer need them. Some of them contain malware and actively impede the functionality of the computer. Some of them are harmless but don’t serve their intended purpose, and they take up space we could be using on a program that accomplishes what we’re aiming for. But when we zoom out far enough that we can see these internal algorithms that are influencing our decisions, we can begin to understand them and reprogram them to create an optimized system that works in our favor and gets the results we want.
The Re-Patterning Project is a container that provides a comprehensive view of the way our human operating system forms the beliefs, mindsets, and patterns that inform our choices and our ideas of what is possible. It is a multi-disciplinary approach to unearthing our core bugs and re-installing our behavioral patterns and frameworks, culled together with information and practices from cutting-edge trauma and addiction research, neuroscience, attachment theory, neuro-linguistic programming, Timeline Therapy… and a little bit of magick.
It’s a little like a spiritual awakening – for left-brained people.
It’s empowerment designed for the smart and the curious, for those who wish to understand the mechanics of their mind-body systems instead of being encouraged to rely on intangibles such as positive thinking or blind faith.
It’s the solution for those who secretly know they’re smarter than most of the available systems but still believe the answers are out there.
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