In order to create your dream life, you are almost undoubtedly going to have to make sacrifices along the way.
This is a theme that has come up in a few places this week (notably on Chiara Mazzucco’s awesome podcast The Bold Standard, definitely check it out on iTunes). If you want to create your dream life, you are going to have to make some sacrifices.
When I was recording my album, there were months where I was so tight on money that I didn’t even allow myself to purchase alcohol. It wasn’t about drinking, it was the fact that there was no room for needless indulgences, and alcohol was something I did not need. (I still drank when it was free! And no I did not get entitled dudes to buy drinks for me because my time is money too!)
There was even a night where I arrived to a paid gig and immediately walked into a pole, splitting my face open and bleeding puddles into my open hand. I called the closest urgent care and they told me stitches would be between $300-$500, plus I would obviously lose the money I was supposed to make that night. So I asked my friend Roxanne to superglue my face together. She did an amazing job!! Hopefully this doesn’t happen to you BUT IF IT DOES, just remind yourself that I have been there and you’ll be ok too.
If you’re working your way out of a financial bind right now, or even just saving up for the next level, it might be necessary to cut out a lot of the things you’re accustomed to. Not your necessities, hopefully, but definitely your needless indulgences.
This sounds obvious but sometimes I have to get a little real with folks about what they actually need and don’t need. Today was one of those days. If you need it too, here it is.
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