The Mishaps of Meaning-Making

I wanna share with you guys a funny story that happened this week that taught me a lesson about how unnecessarily I’m capable of stressing out about things and how much meaning I make up in my head sometimes, even now, at this advanced player stage of my repatterning....

Why I Enjoy Paying For Services

A lot of people – especially creatives – are surprised when I tell them I actually enjoy paying for services. A lot of people assume that if someone can get something for free, they would prefer that, or feel bad for putting a price tag on their offers....

Finding Your Flow Zone

Earlier this year I came across a rap artist who goes by the name BigKlit. She’s covered in tattoos, including her face, and the most recent single I listened to when I found her featured a chorus about which bodily fluids she wanted to emit into her...

Regulated Nervous System Seeks Same

One of the rather humbling things about having spent most of your 20s as a dating coach unwittingly operating from a place of trauma-imprinted desensitization is realizing, later on in life, how much your own material missed because you were so focused on your...

#PRIDE and the Twin Flame Path

Hey fam it’s me, your resident non-binary twin flame. While it’s still #pridemonth I’d like to make a personal statement about gender, orientation, polarity, and the twin flame path, and how they apply to my experience of myself. Many of you know that the twin flame...