Regulated Nervous System Seeks Same

One of the rather humbling things about having spent most of your 20s as a dating coach unwittingly operating from a place of trauma-imprinted desensitization is realizing, later on in life, how much your own material missed because you were so focused on your...

#PRIDE and the Twin Flame Path

Hey fam it’s me, your resident non-binary twin flame. While it’s still #pridemonth I’d like to make a personal statement about gender, orientation, polarity, and the twin flame path, and how they apply to my experience of myself. Many of you know that the twin flame...

Announcing the Summer 2022 TRPP Scholarship!

Hello friends! It is time to announce… the TRPP SCHOLARSHIP! Have you been thinking you might want to join The Re-Patterning Project but feel too short on funds for the $2K sticker price? We’re in a horrible economic recession, and just because something is WORTH...

When “Good” Patterns Come Back To Bite You

One of the things I often say about repatterning is that not all of us learned from harmful cues and environments in our childhoods, but all of us learned a set of patterns that is unique and specific to us. Even the person with the most idyllic upbringing still...