Self-Compassion in Releasing Patterns

There’s some important mechanics behind the ability to release a negative pattern and create a positive new belief or way of being that involve why the victim-blaming of the “you attract everything that happens to you” interpretation of the Law of Attraction is...

We Do Not Relate

The problem I experience when personal development facilitators share their personal transformative “low point” stories speaking in that poignant personal development cadence with lots of slow emphasis and pregnant pauses is that my automatic response is...

Do Something Nice For Yourself

[CN: mentions of trauma, suicidal ideation] I’m sitting here having possibly just eaten the best dessert of my life. That I made for myself. I posted earlier this week about how my body was calling for me to eat healthier, local foods and how I’ve committed to...

The Grief Of Growth

One thing they don’t tell you about upleveling into your next stage of alignment is how painfully it can bring up everything that’s not in alignment. When you call in new friends who show up for you and treat you well, it will make it obvious which friends don’t. When...

The Body’s Answer Is Never Personal

The thing about resensitizing your body and learning discernment is that nothing is ever personal anymore. I say no to going out with you? Sorry, not my decision, my body says no. I’m not a yes to your idea? Again, nothing personal, just listening to my body. You want...

Let Go

This eclipse season, remember: There are 8 billion people on the planet. There will be friends who don’t immediately go on the defensive when they hurt you or make you feel lesser because they don’t understand you. There will be lovers who show up wanting to spend...

It Is Ok To Titrate Into Abundance

Affirmation: It is ok to let go of my resistance at my own pace. It is ok to titrate into abundance. It is ok to titrate into abundance even if – especially if – I am calling in universally celebrated abundance such as money, love, or happiness, things...

Increasing Perceptiveness

I talk a lot about how The Re-Patterning Project gives its participants a comprehensive view of their human operating systems, allowing them to identify unconscious patterns and trace them back to their earliest origins, where they can choose a different option and...